Sunday we went for a 4 hour hike off of the very popular Skyline Drive that skirts the upper ridges of the hill/mountains of Virginias Shenandoah National Forest with the famous Appalachian Trail.

A work friend of Stuart's, Scott, gathered a group of ten or so people from his and his girlfriend's work and lined us up for a good picnic lunch overlooking the valley. We were glad for the excuse to get out and use our year pass to the park under the condition that Harvey were able to join us... of course.

We hiked down hill for about two hours before having lunch on a trail that Jill and I have actually camped off of last fall with some other friends.
Notice the "Happy Family" (so Stu's co-worker Scott called us). We're happy because the decent to our look-out lunch spot was nice and easy - And a beautiful view.
After eating and taking in the scenery, we all geared up for the trek home. Lighter though it was for all the water we had drank by this point and the large lunch we had, it was still a killer workout - A mix between two straight hours of StairMaster & an inclined treadmill.
Needless to say, even Harvey needed to stop for a few breaks and a drink here and there. But, you can't blame him... When not forced onto Stu's annoying leash, he's ever compelled to lead us along the traisl through the forest... Thank goodness too or we might have been lost... Ever the Alpha.

Until we come across a rattle-snake that is, and he alerts us all to it's presence by being scared out of his wits and refusing to go a step further. He was so scared in fact, that Stu was forced to carry him to the other side of that scary rattle where he could resume his leading of the pack.
Haha, sorry I missed this little trip. I would have loved to see Stu carry Harvey past the snake. That must have been a sight!