DC Walk to Stop Child-Slavery

Our friends Trish & Dan coordinated us as a team for the Walk to End Modern Slavery. The McKenna fam made their way to our house bright and early. After a a big delicious breakfast of coffee, eggs, banana bread & pancakes w/ homemade fig compote we made our way in to the city for the walk.

This was the first year of the organized fundraiser walk and luckily a cold gray day didn't stop many of people from coming out. It is sad that this issue needs as much attention as it's getting, but it's great to see so many people & so many organizations at this event.

It wasn't a long walk but fun to see a new park in DC & be out for a good cause!

After watching some entertainment, hearing a few speakers & making our rounds, we headed back in just enough time to dodge some rain.

We spent the the rest of the afternoon in doors relaxing, sipping Sam Adams & snacking away.

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