Apple Picking Marker-Miller Orchards 10.10.09

Autumn means apple season so we headed out to the Valley- Winchester, VA to go the the highly recommended Marker-Miller Orchard to see what we could find.... It was their Apple Harvest weekend, so plenty of people were there picking, filling up on apple cider, and their famous apple donuts. Luckily they have miles of row after row after row of apple trees in every kind. Granny Smith, Ida Red, Golden Delicious, Niffany, York, Rome, Fuji, and Red Delicious are just a few of what they had available for us to pick from.

Some of the trees were crazy and looked more like vines of tomatoes rather than an apple tree.
Soooo many apples!

We had a great time strolling through the rows and sampling each kind of apple. By the end we were so full our stomachs hurts. We have never eaten so many delicious apples in our life.

Our loot for the day.

Now we have more fun to figure out what to make with all of these!

... more posts to come to follow our adventure in canning/preserving.

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