Hail to the Redskins 10.4.09

We converted to Redskins fans for a day, luckily to our advantage their colors are the same as the Gophers, so we were able to play the part pretty well. Jill's co-workers versed her in "Redskin ways" which consisted of bitching about the owner Don Snyder, complaining about the team sucking, and talking about Zorn getting fired. Thank goodness they did this, because with in 5 minutes of parking our fellow tailgating neighbors were badmouthing Snyder.

Tailgating w/ FedEx Field in the back ground.

Making our way in to Fed Ex Field.

Inside, our theory is that the Skins only had enough money to fertilize to the 36 yard line, and the more they win the more fertilizer becomes available.... Maybe they will get the whole field done by the end of the season.

Jason Campbell throwing an interception.

Although the Redskins played horrible, they managed to pull off the win!! It was definitely a fun but MUCH different NFL experience when compared to Lambeau.

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